Waterproofing for Footing 3,350Kg

Main Applications

Coverprime is a two-component polyurethane resin recommended for waterproofing footings, slabs, pools, tanks, water treatment stations, walls, and more.

With the application of Coverprime, the customer gains access to high-quality material with elasticity, resistance to rupture, and abrasion. The environment becomes much safer against leaks because the material penetrates into cracks and holes in the substrate, ensuring the end of leaks.


Packaging: 3.350 Kg (2.500 kg of Component A and 0.850 kg of Component B).


  • The mixing ratio is 100 parts of component A to 34 parts of component B
  • Pot-life at 25°C varies between 40 and 50 minutes
  • Shore A hardness between 95 and 98
  • Total curing in 24 hours after application
  • Gray color
  • Coverage of 3 kg/m²